Heat oven to 350°F
Add ⅔ cup sugar, 1 cup butter, softened, and 1 tsp almond extract in a large bowl or stand mixer. Mix until creamy.
Add the 2 cups flour one cup at a time and mix until well combined.
Spray a cookie sheet pan with cooking spray or use a piece of parchment paper.
Roll dough into 1-2" balls and set on a cookie sheet.
Use your thumb to make an indent in the middle of the cookie.
Put the ½ cup raspberry jam into a plastic bag or piping bag, cut a small hole in the bottom or corner, and fill the thumbprint with jam.
Bake for 14-18 minutes or until lightly brown. Don't overbake them.
Let stand for 5 minutes. While the cookies are cooling off, make the glaze.
Mix the 1 cup powdered sugar, 1½ tsp almond extract, and 3 tsp water until well combined, then add it to a plastic bag or a piping bag. Cut a small hole in the bottom or corner of the bag and drizzle the glaze back and forth over the cookie in a zig-zag pattern.